Request to execute a LNURL request. The application needs to pass a LNURL string which should be provided for example by the application's backend. The lnurl function can also accept a LUD-16 static identifier (e.g. username@getalby.com) instead of a LNURL string.
The method returns a promise which resolves once the LNURL flow is completed. It returns the last response from the LNURL server. For LNURL-pay requests it also contains payment information (preimage, payment hash) and for LNURL-auth requests it contains auth information (message, signature)
This API may not be available on all providers.
LNURL-pay Response
LNURL-auth Response
Code Example
Lightsats (LNURL-pay, LNURL-withdraw)
getAlby.com (LNURL-auth login via getAlby extension, Lightning address)
Last updated